Monday, October 17, 2011

Rest into Work 1 Kings 17

I wanted to write this blog for all the busy bodies out there and also so that I can remind myself of these things. If you feel weary and heavy ladened or you feel like you have spread your self too thin or you feel like you are not bearing fruit or you feel just smothered in utter chaos. God has an answer for you: Rest. Rest in Him.
We were made to go from Rest into work, not work tripping into rest. When we go from work into rest we tend to ask God to fix us or help us, when really we should be going to Him in the beginning (try the mornings) and asking Him what he wants us to do for Him. He is on the throne. Once we spend time with Him in the morning we can then see Him throughout the day, and gain a greater awareness for truth. We can see Him as He is and as He made creation. We can see reality, once we spend time with Him resting in Him alone. Spending time with Him, is refreshing, we can see reality, see more gifts He is giving us in simplicity, and this is how we were made to live.
We need to spend time with him, so that we can also see and hear Him during the day. If we want to see God in our life, than we need to spend time with Him, if we want to walk with God in this life, than we need to go on walks with God.
Here is an excerpt from a book called the Passionate Life by Mike Breen and Walt Kallestad. This may help this post make more sense.
"God sends Elijah through a season of rest, before His major prophetic work. The true sign of godliness-imitating God- is to pattern our life after Him. And for God rest is vital...the commandment to keep the Sabbath holy is right up there with "Don't steal, kill, or commit adultery." In other words, being a workaholic is just as bad as being a murderer or adulterer. Rest is not optional if we are to walk in the lifestyle of a disciple. Since our first experience as created beings with our Creator is a day of rest, we must start from a place of rest to fulfill our calling to be fruitful."
Moses goes to a mountain to be with God.
Elijah retreats and hides.
John the Baptist goes in the wilderness.
Jesus spends thirty years before coming into his ministry, probably resting with the Father during that time and then even when He ministers He still spends time alone with the Father
All resting before ministry happens.

The Poem that Inspired "a Part of the Body Facing Circumstance"

"The Guest House" by Rumi

This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.

All life flows from God Romans 8:28, Galatians 5:22-23

I was talking to my d-group yesterday and this is something they like talking about, so I thought I would share. Here we go.
All true goodness comes from God. It does not come from outside of Him. True love comes from Him. We sometimes laugh at things that are worldly, which is not true joy, its a mortal dying happiness. So when you experience a pure joy, you experience true life, you experience Him. So as we watch the leaves fall, or have a simple conversation that brings you life. We are meeting with God. The crazy thing is, He is not just limited to just a laugh. There is much more going on than one gift at a time. When you experience true goodness, you are experiencing a taste of who He is.
Enjoy Him

A Part of the Body Facing Circumstances Ephesians 1:22-23

Glorious day to you all!
Know that if you are in Christ, than you are part of His body and everything is subjected under His feet. So that means, everything that is not of God is under you. He has given you authority over these things, because His Spirit is in you. In John 15 and 16, Jesus is continually talking to His disciples and now to us. In 15, He talks about abiding in Him and the unity we have with Him. In 16:33 He says, "take heart for I have overcome the world." So in this continual monologue he is making it evident that if we are one with Him, we are now authoritators and overcommers. We are more than conquerors.
So as you read this, know you do not have to be under the control of your circumstance, though your flesh may be getting abused by your circumstance, your spirit is above those things. Evil that is under our feet only has power if we allow it to have power. Stand over those things and don't allow them to take control. The key here is Him, He puts us in our right place, below Him and above death. We were made to look at Him, not ourselves or our circumstances. We were also made not to have control, He is in control. So as a circumstance comes which may make us feel uneasy we should let it come, invite it as a friend, because Gods goodness always present in any circumstance. So let us look at Him to see the goodness He is giving to us! Enjoy every moment, even when facing fleshly abuse or a fallen world, He still wants us to see Him. He is in it for the process and gives us things to make us more like Him. James 1:2-4.