Tuesday, December 7, 2010

An Old Vision, John 15

He is the Highest

He inhabits the Praises of His People

Children, come with your oil

Lavish your love upon Him

Surrender All that's within You

All thoughts and desires He Wants

Destiny and Relationship

Past, Present, and Future

Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength

Spirit, Soul, and Body

Fullest expression of love is being fully present

How do you become fully present


John 15:13

Monday, October 11, 2010

Letting the World in on a Journal Entry

September 27- Child-like Faith. Mark 10:13-16

In all of man's desires there is a thread that exists, that thread is: yearning to be desired. There is also that same thread that is: yearning to be a child. We want to have answers and we don't want to be left in the dark. When we were children we followed our father around and never questioned Him as a child. We just trusted and followed because he was our father. Now some earthly fathers may have led more into the darkness but we trusted them nonetheless.

I pray for those who have messed up relationships with their family and grew up in crappy situations. I am glad our heavenly father is not based out of our own thoughts, circumstances, emotions, and conceptions. I am thankful that He is never changing and He is the only one who fills those yearnings within.

When we walk with the Holy One, as a child and He as our father, we begin to not question Him, but trust Him. We trust that He is good, when we are children. We are then brought back to purity and walking by faith. We never think vast into the future or get sucked into our memories. We become like use to be from the beginning of the garden. Good.

I pray today I would hold His hand and walk into every moment with Him, not knowing what is going to happen but just trusting Him. Walking in the moment with a sense of peace and listen to Him and how He speaks to me and what He says about others. I pray I would listen to Him and my eyes would be open to what he is showing me. In the holy moments (which is every moment walking with the Father) and the divine encounters (which is every encounter with the Father and with others) I pray I would not think. I would just be. I would learn to unlearn the things of this world and the life that gets put upon me. I pray to become a child again. Not to focus on the future. My destiny is just to be with Him, holding his hand, in this world and through eternity. I am still alive therefore my destiny is still alive. That is my past, present, and future. He is my past, present, and future. There is no "Me" anymore. I trust Him.

I pray these things for you today as well. Enjoy Him!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Cultivation pt. 3- I corinthians 12

I have been discussing about getting a seed (the kingdom seed) from the head to the heart. Now that we can start acting from that place of who we are and know who God is, how can we keep it going? First-walk by faith. That is the most important part of your growth. Second thing is by living in a family or community because you were created that way. Gen. 1:26- we created out of a community (the Trinity) so live out the way we were created. You can't do it on your own. 1 Corinthians 12:18-27- we are one body, many parts and we all have a part to play. All of us are involved. I can't say to parts of the body, i have no need for you because everyone has experienced something different and God had given them experiences specifically for a reason. You can reach someone that I can't. I can reach someone that you can't. We need each other if we want to spread his kingdom effectively. We also need each other to call out the places they are seeing growth in us and help work on that together.

Friday, August 13, 2010

From the Head to the Heart pt. 2- matthew 13, Mark 4:13

In the Parable of the Sower it talks about good soil and how there are seeds dropped around into places of thorns, thistles, rocky soil, birds of the air, and the good fertile soil. Now I believe that the good soil is our hearts. The question is are we going to allow the seed to drop into places besides our heart. The seed is the word of God and we have to get the word of God from the head to the heart (the word of God is the Truth- answers the questions who God is and who we are). So how does one get the seed into the soil to birth action? By getting rid of the thorns, thistles, rocky soil, birds of the air, and even the false seeds. Waking up to the reality of addiction of worldly things, lies from the enemy, anything that comes from the enemy, and anything that doesn't seek Him first. Cutting those things out that are built up around the soil, the weeds among the wheat. Most successful way to do this is sacrifice (Romans 12:1-3). Seek the Kingdom first. Asking the Lord to search your heart to the things that are hindering the seed from getting into the good soil. It comes from Fasting and Prayer. Fasting- getting rid of all the stuff that is choking the growth. Prayer- He illuminates what still needs to be cut out and tells you the seed that is implanted in you. This is said in Mark 4 that this is the most important parable, you don't understand this how can you understand any other. Next blog i will chat about how to cultivate this true seed.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Two things That Can Evaporate Ungodliness pt. 1- 2 Corinthians 5:17

Kris Vallotton says in his infusion video called, "Coming Home", that he is convinced that if you got these two things all your problems would evaporate. These two things are: 1.people don't know who they are and 2. they don't know God loves them. Then the real kicker is after that he says i know they get it in their head but do they get it out through experience. Do they get out from the overflow of their heart? As my friend, Josh Perkinson always says, intimacy births action. That overflow of the heart coming from that intimacy with the Father which births action, it births experience. Do people get these two things in their heart, into the core of their being? So how do we get it from the head to the heart? How do we get the seed, the word of God, the truth of who he is and who we are, how do we implant that into our hearts so we can live effectively and the way we were meant to live? Think on it i will bring you my thoughts to making this happen and being successful when i blog again soon.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Doorway. Ephesians 1:15-23

We have been brought up in schools to just receive what people say to us and throw it back up on someone else. We have been informed is such a way that we become like the informer, like a system of robots, not of love. True love comes from giving us a choice, a mystery, having things in secret, not forcing us in a direction. Education was intended for us to stretch our minds and being able to be our own person. Education is like a doorway. We were meant to walk into our own way of thinking and encounter our own experiences, not encounter someone elses experiences. When we take someone elses experiences and thoughts we become the doorway. Don't become a doorway, take it and walk into your own encounters. "Take what we know as a bridge over into the unknown." - A.W. Tozer. I would rather walk into an adventure than be pieces of wood

To help you learn about this read Paul's letters and watch the movie "The Dead Poet's society"

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Eyes- Colossians 3:1-5

Over this Christmas Break, I went to Passion 2010. While I was there I heard Andy Stanley speak. He spoke on a way to live and he used three chairs to break up the different attributes of life: Who we are, Who we hang out with, and what we are going to do with our lives. He said that we first need to figure out who we are going to be before we figure out who we are going to hang out with and what we are going to do. While he was teaching, someone yelled out, "What about Jesus?" Because he didn't say the word Jesus so far in his talk, this guy assumed Jesus wasn't being talked about. Just because Jesus is not said verbally does not mean he is not present spiritually. The Holy Spirit is everywhere even when Jesus isn't being named. I hope that the Christian lifestyle hasn't turned into a thing based off of emotion and circumstance. I hope we can actually be the body of Christ where we don't feel like we have to conjur anything up to get him in the room or say a few church words to make us feel like he is there. The reality is HE IS THERE. Always has been, he is right now, and he will always be. I hope we don't have to always take some tool of music or words of speech to feel like we have to pull his arm to get him to come meet with us. But, instead, have an open heart and see the reality that the Holy Spirit is in our midst. That we don't need labels to put on him, that we don't bring him down to our level. We belittle Him and never see the true reality of who He is. "What we think about God is the most important thing about us."- A.W. Tozer, I pray that we could be a generation, that could seek Him, be devoted to Him, and see Him in everything even in the presence of persecution or mocking His name. He is still there.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Excerpt #2 from No Man is an Island

Selfish love seeks to keep him in subjection to ourselves. It insists that he conform himself to us, and it works in every possible way to make him do so. A selfish love withers and dies unless it is sustained by the attention of the beloved. When we love thus, our friends exist only in order that we may love them. In loving them we seek to make pets of them, to keep them tame. Such love fears nothing more than the escape of the beloved. It requires his subjection because that is necessary for the nourishment of our own affections.