Friday, August 13, 2010

From the Head to the Heart pt. 2- matthew 13, Mark 4:13

In the Parable of the Sower it talks about good soil and how there are seeds dropped around into places of thorns, thistles, rocky soil, birds of the air, and the good fertile soil. Now I believe that the good soil is our hearts. The question is are we going to allow the seed to drop into places besides our heart. The seed is the word of God and we have to get the word of God from the head to the heart (the word of God is the Truth- answers the questions who God is and who we are). So how does one get the seed into the soil to birth action? By getting rid of the thorns, thistles, rocky soil, birds of the air, and even the false seeds. Waking up to the reality of addiction of worldly things, lies from the enemy, anything that comes from the enemy, and anything that doesn't seek Him first. Cutting those things out that are built up around the soil, the weeds among the wheat. Most successful way to do this is sacrifice (Romans 12:1-3). Seek the Kingdom first. Asking the Lord to search your heart to the things that are hindering the seed from getting into the good soil. It comes from Fasting and Prayer. Fasting- getting rid of all the stuff that is choking the growth. Prayer- He illuminates what still needs to be cut out and tells you the seed that is implanted in you. This is said in Mark 4 that this is the most important parable, you don't understand this how can you understand any other. Next blog i will chat about how to cultivate this true seed.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Two things That Can Evaporate Ungodliness pt. 1- 2 Corinthians 5:17

Kris Vallotton says in his infusion video called, "Coming Home", that he is convinced that if you got these two things all your problems would evaporate. These two things are: 1.people don't know who they are and 2. they don't know God loves them. Then the real kicker is after that he says i know they get it in their head but do they get it out through experience. Do they get out from the overflow of their heart? As my friend, Josh Perkinson always says, intimacy births action. That overflow of the heart coming from that intimacy with the Father which births action, it births experience. Do people get these two things in their heart, into the core of their being? So how do we get it from the head to the heart? How do we get the seed, the word of God, the truth of who he is and who we are, how do we implant that into our hearts so we can live effectively and the way we were meant to live? Think on it i will bring you my thoughts to making this happen and being successful when i blog again soon.