Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Seeing God Gen. 1:26

I apologize that I have not written to you brothers and sisters in awhile, school has been hectic finishing it up, but I have some requests of things to write about and I will get to those later, thank you for waiting patiently. I love you all.

This blog post is about seeing God in everything. Now some people may see this as pantheistic. I am not saying all is God, but I am saying that his creativity, his workmanship is in all things. I think there is definitely a difference in Him and his creation, but I also believe in Genesis 1:26.

If we see God in everything and see things the way He does, we will be preparing the way for heaven on earth. There is creatvity that is from God in everyone. It is finding his personality in all things he created and calling those things out in a believer or a non-believer. It is having dove eyes for the Lord (look at old posts if you dont know what dove eyes are), but having dove eyes for Him you see things as they are. You see reality. What would happen if we saw God moving in and around us all the time and through everything? What if we could go wherever the spirit was telling us to go? What if we were able to call out God in someone who doesnt know Him and encourage them in that way? To see them as a person of peace and not some enemy. Hate the sin not the sinner. How does God see that "sinner"? He sees them as someone in his image, in his likeness. The question is do we? Everyone is the prize for God. He does all he can so he can have us at the end of the day while still truly loving us. Be praying that God would illuminate things of Him in others, so they can be awakened to God wanting them, wanting them so badly he gave them creative characteristics like Him.
I pray God would remove everything that stands in the way of love. Preconceptions, Judgments, Lies, Labels from the world, etc.

P.S.- If you see God moving in everything , even in bad times, they will not be bad times. Focus on what God is doing, not things that have already happened. You were made to gaze on his face and intimacy with Him. This will give you life and life to the full. What a joy! No more need to strive, just be. Enjoy Him, he always enjoys you!

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