If we want to live a life for Christ, than we need to be obedient to what He has for us specifically.
" You are too close to yourself to see yourself (-John Raymond) and it is only in the eyes of God you see your existence. You are there because he is looking at something. You see yourself in His eyes of fire. He has also spoken to you and called you a son or daughter/ co-heirs/beloved/bride/co-laborers/body, and it goes on and on, so you know he speaking to something.
But if you really want to know who you are, you have to know who He is. What we think about God is the most important thing about us. - AW Tozer. If you have a skewed view of God, you might have a skewed view of yourself and what you do in your life. From that place you can live out who you truly are. He has given each person certain gifts and experiences. So we are all unique. (I will blog more about this later). So here is the order. If you are still alive you still have a destiny
1. You have to know who God is
2. Then, He begins to reveal to you through His spirit and the promises of scripture (Who you are)
3. Your relationships (loving the body and the world)
4. Your destiny
Guess what? He loves you and He sees you. He is fully present to you all the time... What a great way to love somebody and He knows the best way to love you specifically.
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