Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Faith/Wisdom and Logic

Faith is the only way to walk. Faith and true wisdom work hand in hand. They are the same. We walk in faith and wisdom. When we walk in faith we are being the most wise, because we claim we don't have everything figured out, but we know someone that does (The Lord). Socrates thought this way when he was on trial, he talked against the people in the city because they claimed to know everything, but he said he was the wisest because he was claiming that he didn't know everything like these leaders in this city.

But there are some people who walk in faith because people told them to, but they may not be aware of the implications and the holiness that comes with true faith. That's where I think some logic or thinking can help. Not saying it is needed but it can help.

Now I think God can also use Logic for good. I don't think it's the solution, I don't think it's life or death, but it can be good. Yes, the mind can be maipulative, but God is using all things for our good.

Logic can be used to show the goodness of faith. People can walk in faith and not know why or they can get a logical understanding through the word or why faith is so good to walk in. Logic can show it's purpose. God gave you a brain to get closer to Him. Use it, but don't ever and I mean EVER let it be your master. Your thoughts are not who you are! God shows who you are. He reveals the goodness of all things and he can use your mind to do it. He can reveal the goodness of faith through what he gave you. Whatever you are doing in life, God can be using it for good, even though man and this earth can make it look bad.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

check this video out, me giving a sermon back in december about love out of the overflow and out of obedience. just copy the title of this post and put it as your url. Hope you enjoy it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Knowledge/Understanding and Wisdom/Revelation Acts 1:1

This is a continuation of Do and teach. So read that first if you haven't.

Knowledge and understanding are not bad things it's just not the place we want to teach from. We want to teach from wisdom and revelation which comes from the Holy Spirit. We can take Knowledge and understanding and meet God with that head knowledge and receive wisdom and revelation from Him. It's going from a place of "knowing about" things to actually "knowing (yedah)" them. "It's taking the things we know and bridging them over to the unknown"- AW Tozer. Knowledge and understanding are good things and they can be the beginning of something great, it becomes a great platform to jump off of, but lasting fruit does not come from that place. It comes from God, when you encounter Him and let him teach you. Let the scriptures be illuminated to you by the Spirit.

For example: The Pharisees always taught out of knowledge/understanding of the law, but they never saw it with God's eyes. Jesus saw where the Father was going when the law came into place. He met with the Father then taught from that place of wisdom and revelation. Crucial difference between Pharisees and Jesus. Jesus had the Father's perspective because He met with him and taught from that place instead of some words he got from a book or some things he heard from the mouths of the surrounding people.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Leaking Vision can cause an Apathetic Heart

This is something I picked up on when I was talking to Josh Perkinson, Maeghan Keaton (my wonderfully amazing girlfriend), and Lauren Lisle. So thank you peeps! I was washing my hands when I thought about all this stuff that I shared with them.

Some ways an apathetic heart can be produced is not trusting in God or the vision that leaks out of the minds of the body. So vision needs to be constantly brought up. Where are we going? Where does God want us to go? What is His vision for us?

I have been in a lot of questioning when it comes to what God wants for my campus. Then I just asked him. If we look at it scripturally, He wants his people, so he not only wants the campus he wants the city, the nations, and the world. He wants people to KNOW Him. So if that is his heart, why not go love what he loves. So our vision is going after the city and for everyone to hear the gospel. Walking towards God's heart is being obedient to God. If we don't see the whole city know Him in our time (4-6 years in college) we are still successful because we are walking towards what He cares about and we are walking towards the vision he gave us. Our measure of success is measured in our obedience to the Lord. If we become like the shephards of the east and go after this vision ourselves, than we are successful. Let's Go! Go Love! Be Love! Live like Jesus!
P.S. God delights in you, so it's not about doing, just have faith that he already sees you as a great success and a great reward. He does all things in His power to have you, you are his reward. He loves his people.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Living the way He called us to live.

If we want to live a life for Christ, than we need to be obedient to what He has for us specifically.

" You are too close to yourself to see yourself (-John Raymond) and it is only in the eyes of God you see your existence. You are there because he is looking at something. You see yourself in His eyes of fire. He has also spoken to you and called you a son or daughter/ co-heirs/beloved/bride/co-laborers/body, and it goes on and on, so you know he speaking to something.

But if you really want to know who you are, you have to know who He is. What we think about God is the most important thing about us. - AW Tozer. If you have a skewed view of God, you might have a skewed view of yourself and what you do in your life. From that place you can live out who you truly are. He has given each person certain gifts and experiences. So we are all unique. (I will blog more about this later). So here is the order. If you are still alive you still have a destiny

1. You have to know who God is

2. Then, He begins to reveal to you through His spirit and the promises of scripture (Who you are)

3. Your relationships (loving the body and the world)

4. Your destiny

Guess what? He loves you and He sees you. He is fully present to you all the time... What a great way to love somebody and He knows the best way to love you specifically.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Do and Teach- Acts 1:1; James 1:22; Romans 5:5

I haven't blogged in awhile, but now I am going to be blogging about some new things I have been thinking about. This one I have told a lot of people at our house church and at other house churches. It is simple.

Luke in Acts 1, mentions the things he wrote in his first book (book of Luke) which was about what Jesus went to do and teach. The way Jesus lived his life was divine. His divine order, according to Jon Courson, was that Jesus did things before he taught about it. He practiced before he preached. He encountered things before He talked about them. If we are to be a follower of Jesus we probably need to do the same. See Jesus didn't just talk about love, he was love. He loved God and the disciples before he said, "Love God and love others."If we tell people to love God and love others but yet we aren't acting in it first, then we might be considered heretics to some. We must be like shephards of the east, missionaries, forerunners, or witnesses where they are people who encounter before they taught. They then teach out of wisdom and revelation not just a knowledge and understanding of words on a page. The place we teach out of is where we meet with God and then teach what He gives us. Do not teach something you haven't talked to God about it. Commune with His spirit and teach from there just like Jesus. Romans 5:5- If you want to love with the Love of God then you have to meet with His spirit and know that it comes from Him. With God we can love. Let us be a people who don't just talk about love, but BE LOVE.

I am not saying we neglect teaching the gospel, but let's be it and then teach it. Be dependent upon Him, it's possible with Him