Monday, December 14, 2009

Silence, John 17

How do we encounter God and not conjure anything up or become fake when we encounter Him? Well the answer is to just "be". Just be in His Presence, recognize He is there and in everything.
But what we do as humans is over complicate this and we surround God with all these idea we have about Him and don't actually know Him. So God has called us to pray, he recognizes the structure of a human and says we need to pray not only so he gets Glory, but he wants to encounter us. He wants us. So the only way to break out of our own ideas about God, is to sit in silence. Like Jesus in the garden.
We must seek that quiet place and sit in silence and break all labels of God. Sit in silence everyday where we are still and only focus on one thing: God. All other thoughts we have to let pass by us and say that those things are not of us. Breathe and think upon one thing Jesus. Let it take you from the known to the unknown. Then we bring that encounter with the Lord, we take that silence to the streets. Among the chaos, there will be silence. There will be encounters with the Lord. We can become one with God all the time, we can stay abound in Christ. Just be present, and recognize His Presence then move to his rhythm. We don't need to abuse Him by seeing Him in the morning and go on by living like he doesn't exist through the day. That's going back to knowing about his grace instead of encountering grace. It won't affect Him he doesn't need us. He does want us though. He is a jealous, loving God. So let's seek Him and know Him, go from the things of Him and go straight for Him. Be present and encounter His presence, start off in the morning with just you and the Lord, put on the armor, and go live in the world while always still encountering Him, it starts in the Silence

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