Friday, September 30, 2011

An Email From a Friend

I received an email from a friend a couple of days ago and every time I read it I can just sense pure joy. I went to visit him and he called me a, "lagniappe" which means an unexpected but welcomed gift. then he said this later in his email,

I imagine that this is what grace is: a lagniappe. So we spend the day and night receiving one lagniappe after another. Who needs Christmas presents?

What if we lived life in this awareness, that we are receiving a gift in every moment. What if we were still for a few minutes and recognized that their are multitudes of gifts that are being given to us, besides grace. Living in that awareness that there are more gifts being given to us than we can realize, should put a joy deep in our hearts and live life as it is...beautiful.

So know in the midst of a world that seems to be falling apart around you, there are many lagniappes still coming your way from God. Receive! Who needs Christmas presents?